Monday, January 24, 2011

Acorn Squash and Coconuts

I've got an Acorn squash and a coconut sitting on my kitchen counter right now.

I have a few questions:
1)  How do I break into that coconut?
2)  What do I do with it now that I do?
3)  What new recipe should I try with the Acorn squash?  I'm tired of my normal baked squash with butter and brown sugar.  I need something new.  Perhaps something with squash and coconut?!  Weird!  Maybe delicious!

I guess tomorrow (or today depending on how you look at it) I will try to break into the coconut and try something new!

Anyone have a nail?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Happy New Year!

Ok ok...I'm almost 2 weeks late with that but it's okay.  Right?  Sorry for not updating more frequently...left gets busy/hectic and some things get put on the back-burner.

Anyways, the new quarter at school has started.  I'm taking the chocolates class and the advanced cake decorating class.

Alright, as the saying goes: New Year, New You!

What is my New Year's Resolution?  Become a runner.  I want to run a half-marathon by the end of the year...I'm thinking sometime in September if I can find one.  Also, gluten-free diet.

And, of course, I've already gone off track with both.  I have a good reason for the running one though...I've been feeling really dehydrated lately.   Didn't think it would be the best idea to lose more fluids (i.e. sweat) when I'm already lacking.  The gluten-free thing...well...I'm doing pretty good for the most part but I had Quizno's yesterday and I think there was something else that I ate.  Working at a cupcake shop doesn't exactly help the cause either.  We DO have a gluten-free cupcake though so when the craving is too much to least I know I have something I can turn to!

I think it might be time to start taking those multi-vitamins that have been sitting in my cabinet for the past year or so.  Perhaps another resolution to add to the list?

I think I'll be able to hit the gym again tomorrow...pick up my running schedule again, finally.  I'm not too off track with that one anyway.  Maybe missed two of my workouts.  Not bad. Not good.  But not bad either.

Ok.  That's it for tonight.
