Friday, July 9, 2010

What Happened to Personal Responsibility?

I was reading an article on a blog today (Serious Eats) about how the government is getting involved with corporations and their marketing tactics.  They may put restrictions on what can be put on packaging and who the companies can market their products to based on nutritional value (obviously).  Basically, if it's not healthful (which is pretty much everything that isn't straight from the farm, imo), you can't have attractive packaging and you can't use cute cartoon characters and blah blah blah restrictions restrictions restrictions.

You know, I'm all for making sure children eat healthful foods.  And I don't like that America is known for its obesity either.  But why do we have to ask our government to nanny us.  Why can't the citizens take charge and demand that private companies become more responsible with their advertising?  Or, better yet, how about parents grow some balls and tell their kids (and maybe themselves too) "NO" every once in awhile.

I know it's easier said than done but when a 5 year old is 80 pounds, don't you think that's a bit much?  At what point does a parent look at their obese child and change their thought from, "Oh, he's just a growing boy" to "Maybe I should be more careful with the foods I feed my child.  I don't want him to die early because I wanted to be my kid's best friend."

Don't get me wrong...I love food.  Pretty much all of it.  Even the crappy stuff (which I try to avoid).  But when it comes down to it, moderation is key and if/when I have kids, I won't be buying that shit.  Fruits, veggies, FRESH foods.  I'll want my kids to know what REAL food tastes like.  You better believe they will appreciate food as much as I do, and they will also know how to eat in moderation...also, sports.  My kids will be active (soccer, ballet,  I'll only have myself to blame if I have obese kids.  I'm not going to blame the providers of the food and I'm not going to task the government to make those companies stop marketing to my kids.

It'll be my own damn fault if I have unhealthy kids.

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