Saturday, January 2, 2010

Slow Cooked Beef Roast

Ok.  Here goes nothing.

I've got this roast that has been defrosted.  I found a recipe for 3 lbs of short ribs (which, yes, I know is completely different than a roast)....and I decided to make it until I realized that I don't have all the I'm changing the recipe up a lot.

The roast is currently sitting in the fridge....marinating in the dry rub I just put on it.  A little salt, pepper, paprika, and garlic powder.

I'm making a white wine sauce (yes, I know white wine does not go with red meat but I'm doing it anyway) because I don't have red wine to make a red wine sauce.

I'm thinking of adding some persimmon chutney and some honey and some onions...and maybe some cinnamon (and maybe sugar instead of honey?)....and a few other spices.  Clearly, I have not decided what exactly is going into the sauce yet.  Oooh....I wonder if I could use my orangecello (like lemoncello but orange instead) instead of the white wine.  No.  I'm sticking with the wine.  Definitely.

To thicken the sauce, I'm probably going to make a blonde roux (a mixture of equal amounts of butter and flour cooked just long enough to give it a tiny bit of color).

Who knows if it will be any good.  I sure as hell hope it will be.  We shall see.

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