Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas Eve!

While most families have their Christmas dinner on Christmas Day, it’s a tradition in my family to celebrate the birth of Jesus on Christmas Eve with a large family dinner and then go see a matinee at the theater on Christmas Day.

This year, as I mentioned before, I’m making the Christmas turkey.  Well...apparently I’m making the majority of this year’s Christmas dinner too.  Or at least it feels that way.  I’m making the stuffing, some whipped sweet potatoes and bananas, and the stuffing (a delicious cornbread stuffing).   Oh, and I’m making one of the desserts Mom wants us to have (she already made some candies and a few thousand cookies). 

Heather is making a vegetable. 

Grandma is bringing my favorite mashed potatoes (they’ve got corn flakes crushed on top). 

Aunt Julie and Uncle Steve are bringing the appetizers (and wine!). 

Sure, Christmas is almost putting my checkbook in the red....but I’ve somehow managed to stay in the black without using a credit card.  In fact, as a side note...I haven’t used my credit card for almost two months thanks to the fact that I filed it away with all my filed papers and leave it at home all the time.  That thing will only be used in emergencies...and it’s so much easier to do now that I don’t have it with me all the time.

My reindeer corn didn’t travel very well.  I had to take it out of the bags it was in and let it sit out for a little while.  I’ve repackaged them now though and they are sitting in the fridge.  Here’s to hoping they stay separated enough for at least the next couple days.  Of course, I’ll make sure to tell the recipients that it should all break apart easily if they do begin to stick.

Today’s schedule:
9:00am - take butters out of fridge to soften
11:30am - Prepare stuffing
1:00pm - Turkey must be in the oven
1:30pm - prepare trifle
Every 30 min - baste turkey
5:30pm - take turkey out and set aside for carryover cooking, turn heat on oven up
5:40pm - bake sweet potatoes and mashed potatoes
6:30pm - FEAST

Anyhow, it’s time to get mentally prepared for this Christmas cooking.

Merry Christmas everyone   Don’t forget...while you may think Santa is the spirit of Christmas...the truth is...JESUS is the spirit of Christmas.  He’s also the reason for the season. 

Happy birthday, Jesus. 

You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  You are my Way, my Truth, and my Life.

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